October 28, 2007

Sluggy pixels

My brother is an artist. One of his friends made this low-resolution and very-low-frame-rate imaging device. It's called the PingPongPixel and displays one image every 2.5 hours. That's about 0.0001 frame per second. Hardly practical, but still pretty nifty. Each pixel is represented by a ping-pong ball, which come in 6 shades of gray.

Anybody know of a display device with an even lower refresh rate?


Unknown said...

Weaving on a hand operated loom, Cross-stitch, and knitting, are slower, but typically high resolution ways to create a pixel based image. In the case of knitting it can be an image meant for a non-flat surface like flexograpy in the printing industry. Even hand operated looms and manual knitting may have higher pixel rates than PingPongPixel, but slower frame rates because the images have higher resolution. If it doesn't exist yet, somebody should make a mechanical loom or knitting machine that creates its fabric output from a digital image.

Anonymous said...

Let me ignore your question and just post a comment: THIS THING IS GREAT! :-))))